Thursday, November 26, 2015

Review: Dark Genesis (The Darkling Trilogy Book 1)

 Title:  Dark Genesis (The Darkling Trilogy Book 1)
Author:  A. D. Koboah
Genre:  Science Fiction / Fantasy
Book Size:  299 pages / 722 KB

Life for a female slave is one of hardship and unspeakable sorrow, something Luna knows only too well. But not even she could have foreseen the terror that would befall her one sultry Mississippi evening in the summer of 1807.

On her way back from a visit to see the African woman, a witch who has the herbs Luna needs to rid her of her abusive master’s child, she attracts the attention of a deadly being that lusts for blood. Forcibly removed from everything she knows by this tormented otherworldly creature, she is sure she will be dead by sunrise.

Dark Genesis is a love story set against the savage world of slavery in which a young woman who has been dehumanised by its horrors finds the courage to love, and in doing so, reclaims her humanity.

 While this isn't the genre of story type I normally read, once started I had to read it through to the end.

The story is slow to start, almost to the point of dragging, but then picks up and you're on taking back into time with wonderful storytelling. There are a few nit-picky points that took the book down a notch - such as the British form of English when the story takes place in America. Another item that kept throwing me out of the story is the use of metric measurements in place of imperial (or standard). I wouldn't know how far a dozen meters is, for instance, and I doubt a slave would either.

I think the author must have researched her subjects and location extensively to bring it all to life the way she has. Linguistics is another High-Five as Luna's speech pattern is perfect and true to form from beginning to end. I did become rather annoyed at her constant bursts of anger which seemed a weak form of keeping the story's romantic element alive.

The ending was not one I enjoyed, but reminded myself this story wasn't a romance. I'm sure others will like it and I can appreciate a story well written and edited.

**** 4-Star Review

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